Dear Fresher… 

Freedom has finally arrived, off to Uni and no nagging parent behind your back telling you what to do, when to do it and what not to do. Great… right?

You can say I’m putting on my aunty persona whilst writing this post, but here are some key tips from me to you as you start this new academic year. Whether you are a fresher or not there is knowledge to be gained.

  1. Put God First! Cannot stress this enough, when you wake up the first thought that should be on your mind is speaking to your creator and spending quality time with him. It is too easy to begin your day without saying a prayer or reading a devotion, especially with the struggles of waking up for 9ams, but when you purpose in your heart to Put God first you will never be Last. The bible states in Matthew 6:33: Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you EVERYTHING you needPretty self explanatory ; turn to Him first for help, fill your thoughts with His desires, take on His character and serve & obey Him in everything.
  2. Commit EVERYTHING to God. No matter how BIG or small, it actually makes a difference to every situation. With any decision you need to make, pray to God to help you chose correctly and set you on a path that allows you to walk in alignment with His Will for you. Commit your activities to the LORD, and your plans will be achievedProverbs 16:3
  3. Surround yourself with people that will bring you closer to God, not those that will harm your relationship with him. There’s a quote that says: surround yourself with people that reflect who you want to be and how you want to feel, energies are contagiousThis couldn’t have been put any clearer. The bible warns in 1 Corinthians 15:33: Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals. Many people get to a different setting, lose all sense of home training and you wonder why? – the way to avoid this is by choosing your “squad” wisely. Pray that God will lead you to correct people!! If you want Godly friends one of the best ways to find them is by attending church, you are more likely to meet like minded people there than at the club – or am I lying?
  4. Everyday may not be good but there is something good in everydayFACT. Many times you wake up and you have a whole day of lectures you may feel as though nothing good will come out of that day but I’ve realised the key to living your best life is having a positive attitude. Positive attitudes lead to positive outcomesSo remember, Look for something good in each day even though it means that somedays you have to look a little harder.
  5. Having said all that, life is too short, to be anything but happy. So make the most of it whilst staying safe, having fun, chasing your dreams and living without regrets. Remember to accomplish what you set out to achieve at Uni – don’t get sidetracked by the craze.

Finally before I leave, I was involved in a mini-documentary by my friend Kaobi on mental health in a university setting which I believe is a reality that needs to be addressed. I’ve inserted it below please have a look and share with others to raise more awareness about mental health.

With Love. Stay blessed,

Dara xx